Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preparing for the Big Move!

Like anyone, I am procrastinating on packing for my move to Garden City, Kansas. I know, why am I moving to middle-of-nowhere Kansas. Well, I decided to take a teaching job teaching 4th grade math.   On Sunday my mom, sister and I will be making the 15 hour drive. Not all in one day, thank goodness. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'm not so nervous about the moving part. I'm extremely nervous about the teaching part. The idea of being in charge of 22 kids without any help scares the crap out of me. Everyone tells me that I'll be fine, and I pray to god that's true. The community that I am moving into has been super welcoming so far and I hope that's not an act. Who knows how long I'll end up staying in Kansas, but I have to get my first year of teaching over with somewhere, and I think this is a good place to do it.

The school district provides all new teachers with a mentor within the building. How awesome! Mine is a third grade teacher and she has proven helpful to me already in reaching out on Facebook for furniture for me! The district also has a social director who puts on different social events throughout the school year for new teachers so we can meet new people in an unfamiliar town. And, in every school I went to in the district, they have a room full of resources that all the teachers can check out and use. Which is awesome for new teachers with minimal materials. So far, it seems like a good fit.

I am going to use this blog to chronicle my life as a first-year teacher. Hopefully, I'll have some good stories to tell. But more importantly, I want to use this as a way to reflect on my week and to vent out things that went horribly wrong. If this blog bores you, I won't be upset if you stop reading but I hope it will give you insight to the life of a teacher and see things from the other side of the desk. And there will be laughs along the way. I can guarantee that with a group of 9 and 10 year olds! My next post will probably be after I am all moved in and start setting up my very own classroom!

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