Monday, July 29, 2013

First Week In Garden

Well, I got all moved into my new apartment in Garden City. I can't wait to make this apartment my own and not have to worry about roommates anymore. Yikes, I'm officially a grown up. I spent five days with my mom and Kylie and they helped get everything in the apartment and settled. It was a good five days together, and then I remembered why I like living away from home. My house is pretty bare right now, but I've got plenty of time to fill it! But since Friday, I have had plenty of down time and have watched WAY too much One Tree Hill. Cable is on the waiting list of things that need to get done. My classroom, (yes, my own classroom!) is priority at the moment.

I went into the school today for the first time since touring it back in April. I forgot how comfortable I felt as I walked through the halls. I have a feeling that I am really going to fit in. I met my mentor last week. She is a third grade math teacher in the same building and our rooms are connected. Thank goodness! I would be lying if I said I didn't peek in there a time or two to get set-up ideas for my room. When I walked into my room, everything was piled in the middle of the room and there was no sense to be had. I didn't even know where to start. I just started to plug away and eventually it kinda came together. I swear, most of the materials and supplies from past teachers was older than I am. I tossed more than I kept. But by the end of the year, I'll have so much crap it will surprise me. I spent today cleaning and sorting with a little bit of organizing. Tomorrow is going to be more organizing and decorating. And of course, decorating is the best part! I put my desk and filing cabinets in their spots and the student desks are where I think they are going to be. But that all depends on the numbers. Don't worry, there will be pictures of my room! It's just too early and too messy to show the world yet.

I am getting excited. It's still a bit surreal that I am a 4th grade math teacher. Like, shouldn't I still be taking classes this fall or something?! I just hope that when I start the new teacher in-service, I meet some people that I get along with. There are 4 new teachers at my school alone. Multiply that by like 14 more schools and there should be somebody, right? So far, everyone has been super nice and welcoming and more than willing to help me with anything. I think I'll like it here.

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