Saturday, September 28, 2013

Better Late Than Never

Well, it's been a while since I last posted, but that's the life of a new teacher: ALWAYS busy. I absolutely love living in Garden City. Only complaints I have are how bad it smells sometimes. I have met 3 girls from Michigan who are new teachers at different schools. I am so glad I met them because they are the ones I spend most of my free time with. I am the only new teacher that is from Minnesota, but I like it that way! There is one teacher I met who works at an intermediate center who graduated from Bemidji State! Small world!

As far as teaching goes, I couldn't have chosen a better profession. I never thought I would love fourth graders so much! I only teach math so I see almost 70 kids a day! It's one way of keeping me on my toes! Some of my students thought that I had taught at another school before this, which made me feel good because they can't see the days where I struggle with teaching or classroom management. Sometimes I feel like all I want to do is pull out my hair at school, but then I get home and I think about the day, and I just smile. The kids are the reason I can wake up everyday and be excited to go to work. I have a great building and staff that I work with. They have made me feel included and welcomed. I never feel like the outsider. I joined the Relay for Life team at my school and I'm really excited to work with my school and the community for this great cause. I have a feeling I'm going to be a Kansas resident for a while and I'm totally ok with that.

I also took a second job at a frozen yogurt place. It is a lot of fun and a good way to put a little extra cash in my pocket. Plus, the free yogurt is a huge bonus! I found that I like to stay busy and this was one way to do it.

1 comment:

  1. So, so glad to hear you're doing well. Miss you. Can't believe you're still working two jobs, though. Crazy girl ;)
